A Sweet Tradition: Preserving Your Wedding Cake

Okay, ladies, it's time to get down to a little bit of "post-wedding" tradition! One old tradition is to save the first tier of your wedding cake to eat on your first anniversary. Keeping a cake for a year? Well, obviously your cake is going to need to be preserved in some suitable manor. Piece of cake! (Literally!)

You may ask why you should bother. First off, everyone is going to ask if you did. It is a tradition after all. Secondly with the hectic events of your wedding reception you probably won't get to enjoy your cake then. It gives you the chance to savor one of the major elements of your weddings (and of your budget, most likely).

So, to preserve your cake you are first going to need to figure out who can best handle the duty FOR you. You will be off on your wedding night and the last thing you will be thinking about is your wedding cake! Have a close friend or family member bring the cake home with them.

Before the cake cutting, or even before the reception, let the catering company know that you are saving the top tier. That way, when they take the cake to cut it up for your guests, the catering company will put the top tier aside and prepare it to go.

Once your cake "captain" gets the cake home safely, they will need to prepare it to be frozen. They will remove all decorations; including sugar decorations. Then the cake should be cooled before it is prepared for the freezer. Put the cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, at least, to get the icing "hard" enough that it won't stick.

Once the cake has cooled, your cake preserver should wrap the cake, thoroughly, in multiple layers of plastic wrap (never tin foil). To then mark the cake they should wrap a piece of ribbon around it associated with the wedding; i.e. from a gift, centerpiece, etc.

Now, your cake really won't have a shelf life of a year in your freezer. Like all other foods, if left there too long it will get stale. If you do choose to wait the whole year, remember it is more about the sentiment then the flavor. If you don't choose to wait a year, you have a shelf life of about 2 months to enjoy a fresh piece of your wedding cake.

If you choose to have your cake while it's still fresh, keep the tradition by getting a small "top tier" cake from the same bakery, or just the same cake flavors from a bakery close by. That way you can mostly follow the tradition while also enjoying the custom.


(article from LIWeddings.com)